Sailing from Bonaire to bermuda

After four months on the island of Bonaire in the Southern Caribbean sea, we decided to escape hurricane season this year in the Eastern Atlantic Islands. So on May 28th of 2021, we departed from Harbor Village Marina to head out on a 3500 nautical miles journey that would take us all the way from the island of Bonaire to the island of Faial in the Azores.

What we didn't know at that time, is that we would end up having a rough start across the Caribbean Sea and the Bermuda triangle, and eventually decided to break passage and stop in Bermuda on our way.

So here are some photos of our passage, including the videos we published about our time between Bonaire and Bermuda!

Welcome to Bonaire, from the coolest bird on the island! We carried most of our preps from the marina in Harbor Village

Videos: Last week before departure!

Polar Seal, snug as a bug in her slip!

On the day before we departed, our friends on Yndeleau came by to bring us food :)

Our friends in Bonaire wished us good luck on the day we departed!

We had a rough few days, with winds in our nose, waves on our beam, a current pushing us West and lots of squalls to dodge

We heeled and rolled a lot, making life onboard quite uncomfortable. All of us were seasick to a degree, and we left the Caribbean Sea pretty tired.


As we entered the Mona passage, we found some calmer winds and I made Anett peel chickpeas. She LOVED it.

But as it turned out, the Mona passage isn't as friendly as it had us believe!

We still heeled a lot, but managed to get out of seasickness for the most part.

Picking up veggies from our garden! ;)


Out of the Mona passage, we entered the Bermuda Triangle and a "zone of enhanced squalliness"

Squalls came from everywhere, and our sails were constantly reefed.

Dodging the squalls was rough, but we managed to find a good rhythm after a week at sea...


But eventually, the wind and waves became a little gentler...

at this point, the "garden" had substantially shrinked ;)

Until one day, the winds had calmed down so much that we needed to fly the spinnaker

and the same day, we decided to go to Bermuda!


The night before we arrived, we had the best sailing conditions ever, and rocked 6 knots on only 12 knots of wind.

We had fun in the cockpit...

And enjoyed a gorgeous sunset!

We arrived in Bermuda at dawn...

while the city of Saint George was still sleeping

join us next week for views of Bermuda!


A tale of Stormy Seas, Learning Patience, and Rum Swizzle #99


ATLANTIC CROSSING: Why you should always listen to your gut.