Day 8: My first bad night

Last night was not great. I was hoping to round out my luxury Ikea meal and ice cream with a few Netflix series and a nice sleepy sleep but the winds were not having it.

My sails had been flogging on and off most of the day and I was anticipating the wind to pick up and sunset as it normally does but yesterday it just died off.

When those sails flog on you below (I sleep with my head right under the mast ) it makes a noise that sounds like the boat is about to explode. Everything is amplified down below so it probably sounds worse than it is, but this is my lifeboat and I can't give her engine breaking. No way.

So I dropped the sails around midnight. And decided to sleep in the cockpit while the motor was running, though not long after alarms started going off and sure enough behind me were some big rain squalls.

I let those pass for a few hours and then the winds came back, so off I was again monkeying with sails in the middle of the night.

So here we are. I'm tired, the sun is out and it's warm and everything is moving.

I will say, when I was first reading about ocean sailing solo, everything I read said, get sleep when you can cause you will be really tired.

On the first leg, I was a mental mess but not so tired. This leg has been extremely tiring and I now understand what those people are saying.

Thanks to everyone for the support. The next few days mentally will be the headrest… through the weekend I would say. If people have some free time and want to send me a mail it would be appreciated. Nothing worth than downloading your mails and it says "no new messages"

Also once again, thanks to Sophie and Charlie as my support network. I talk to these the most and I'm sure they can tell when I'm tired and cranky, thanks for hanging with me!


Day 10 - Inspiration and a sewing machine


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