Biscay snaps
We crossed Biscay from Port-la-Forêt all the way to Spain. If you missed the video recap of the first part of the trip, watch it there, for the hard part, and here for the fun part.Below are a few pictures that I took on our way down!The "Archipel des Glénans", where we met our friends on Boutavent.
Quick brief with our boat buddy in Les Glénans before hitting the "road"!
Boutavent and Sausalito, ready to cross Biscay.
Happy Captain, as we kick off the crossing in some perfect conditions!
Getting out of "Les Glénans"
7PM: the conditions deteriorate. We are now getting bounced around in 2 meters waves.
The captain goes on the foredeck to secure our extra forestay and prevent it from banging
Hold fast!!!
"Quite the trampoline out there..."
First night across Biscay: Before
First night across Biscay: After.
Rocking our brand new whisker pole, wing on wing!
LAND-HO! Are these clouds in the horizon... Or are these mountains?!!!