I was particularly looking forward to spending time in Corsica, as I had never visited this part of France and it had been a while since our last stay in my home country.
Corsica was very warm (thank you heatwave!) when we arrived, but it didn't prevent us from enjoying its absolutely stunning landscapes and fascinating history. If you haven't, watch the video from our time there, it is a goodie!
I do not have a lot of photos of our stay in Corsica, but it would be a waste to let the few that I took linger in my hard drive.
So for the sake of good memories, here are my favorite images of our time around the Isle of beauty!
Hoisting the French flag in the bay of Ajaccio
As soon as we arrived, Corsica delivered stunning sunsets...
...and beautiful sunrises!
The cathedral of Ajaccio, at the doors of the old town.
We arrived in Ajaccio right as a massive heatwave went through France. Luckily, the narrow streets of the old town were a little cooler at night, and we would often go out to have a beer!
The mountains of Corsica made for amazing sailing views...
We got into fishing in Corsica. It took a while until we caught our first fish though!
The Genoese tower of Roccapina. Around the 16th and 17th century, 85 of these Genoese towers were built by the Republic of Genoa to protect Corsica from pirates attacks. Today, 67 of those remain although most of them are ruins.
As the heatwave continued to strike Corsica, life at anchorage allowed us to cool down in the water. Here, Ryan is trying to climb up the anchor chain (unsuccessfully ;))
We enjoyed some beautiful snorkeling around Polar Seal in the anchorage of Campomoro...
.... before a mistral kicked us out of Corsica, and we headed South to seek shelter in Sardinia. To be continued!