Almerimar in the winter
It's been 5 months since we arrived in Almerimar onboard Polar Seal. And although the place is lovely and the liveaboard community more active and friendly than you'd ever imagine, we are starting to feel that our time has come to continue our voyage towards the Balearics and into the Mediterranean.In a future post, I'll outline why we chose Almerimar as our winter harbor and some tips for future Almerimarians. In the meantime, here are some of the photos I took of the marina and its surrounding since we arrived!And should you want more, I dedicated an entire video to Almerimar and life onboard :) The "Torre del control", also known as the office, where we pick our mail and packages.
The marina office is located at the entrance of the marina, and it takes a good 10 minutes to walk all the way there from our boat. The kickbike that I acquired from another liveaboard earlier this year has proven invaluable as a way of transportation around the marina!
On a clear day, the horizon offers a beautiful view over the snow-capped mountains of the Sierra Nevada, less than a hundred kilometers away. We know some liveaboards who took advantage of its proximity to go skiing.
Ice Lady Patagonia II, the steel hull ketch catamaran on this photo, is for sale for a modest 6 million dollars. A bargain if you ask me ;)
This 4 kilometers path along Almerimar's beach takes you all the way to Punta Baños. Ryan and I run it a few times a week.
The infamous greenhouses of Almeria. Right behind the sheltered community of Almerimar lays the largest concentration of greenhouses in the World. It is on this 26000 hectars patch of land than over half of Europe's consumption of fruits and vegetables is produced. The Spanish call it the "Sea of plastic", and the scale is so massive that it can be seen on satellite images.
Almerimar at sunset can be absolutely breathtaking.
Darsena 1 is one of the three basins and two docks where boats can be moored.
Can you spot Polar Seal on this picture?
A typical Almerimar view: palm trees, big boats, big mountains and tourist apartments.
Good night Almerimar!